Best Experts. Proven Framework. Incredible Community.
On a 1-10 scale, where 10 is totally thriving and 1 is in crisis, it's possible for your unique child and family to thrive at an 8 or higher. Learn how in the Bright & Quirky IdeaLab.
Welcome to the Bright & Quirky IdeaLab
If you're looking to help your child thrive, make the most of their strengths and talents and, at the same time, shore up their lagging skills and difficulties, reading this page will be one of the best decisions you can make for your child's future.
The Bright & Quirky IdeaLab is an online learning community to support parents of bright kids with learning, social, emotional and/or behavioral challenges. We provide direct access to leaders in the fields of child development, education and psychology, giving you science-based tools, strategies, and community support to help your child thrive. We begin your journey with a turbo boost of progress through our Possibility Plan Bootcamp, Bright & Quirky's core curriculum.
Parents, you are not alone if you feel:

- Worried about whether you're doing enough or providing the right supports
- Stressed about how to navigate the peaks and valleys of raising a bright and quirky child
- Drained from spending so much time curating sources that rarely have information that applies to your child
- Invalidated after trying to advocate for your child at school when educators don't "get" your child's situation
- Isolated because no one else seems to truly understand this unique, complex journey
If ANY of this sounds familiar, you’re certainly not alone. This experience is all-too-common for parents of bright, gifted children with learning, social, or emotional challenges.
What you’re feeling right now isn’t a sign there’s anything wrong with you or your child. And you don’t have to figure everything out all on your own anymore.
Twice Exceptional Children and Their Families Deserve More Support

We use the term twice exceptional (2e) because both the advanced abilities and lagging skills for 2e children are two exceptions to the norm.
Only .5% of US students are considered twice exceptional. So most teachers, counselors and psychologists don’t receive any training in how to best support 2e children.
So if you feel like you’ve been on your own, cobbling together ideas from random sources that are not applicable to your situation, the Bright & Quirky IdeaLab is here to change that.
It's time for your bright and quirky child to thrive!
We have the science-based roadmap to help.
We bring the best experts in the world right to you via e-learning. They specialize in focus and executive function, challenging behaviors and emotional regulation, stress, worry and anxiety, making and keeping friends, learning differences and gifted education. We then add a layer of specialized coaching from masters and PhD level coaches, and high-touch community support so families can go from floundering to flourishing.
Our approach shifts out of the medical/school remediation model that only focuses on fixing deficits. This deficit-focused perspective leaves children feeling broken and parents constantly worried. We believe in a positive, strengths-based, whole child approach.
As a part of the IdeaLab, you’re not just getting a coping strategy to make it day-by-day. We’ll work with you, in the bootcamp and community, to create a clear roadmap to reach new levels of thriving, peace, and joy for your child and your family.
Expert Guidance
Our experts are ready to share their hard-won wisdom with you

Your child isn’t broken. You are not crazy. You have finally found your tribe here with us in the IdeaLab.
"I spent a dozen years trying to figure out what to do with my kid. All we heard about were the challenges. I've learned so much since joining the IdeaLab and my attitude has changed. I wonder how life would be if I knew all this stuff 7-8 years ago."
– IdeaLab member
Experience a Transformation in the IdeaLab:
- An increase in knowledge and understanding of your child’s difficulties
- Belonging in a global community of parents travelling a similar path
- A paradigm shift from focusing on deficits to developing strengths
- More confidence and courage as your child’s advocate
- An inner transformation from worried, stressed or fearful to calm and peaceful
- Better connection and communication with your child and family
- A shift out of crisis-mode and on to a sustainable, long-term path for improved well-being
Our members consistently say we are a lifeline because we give them access to resources and support they couldn’t find anywhere else.
How the IdeaLab Works & What’s Included
We spent the time researching and curating the best content, coaches, and community so you don’t have to.

1: The Possibility Plan Bootcamp ($497 value)
Get our proven, step-by-step program to create and actualize a custom strategy to help your bright and quirky child thrive at home and in school. The Possibility Plan Bootcamp includes:
- Our signature 7 Steps of Thriving process to ease your child's challenges and develop strengths
- 8 weeks of live group coaching and community co-working to receive guidance on how best to support your child
- The School Advocacy Toolkit - a bulleted list of classroom accommodations for the most common diagnoses we encounter -- a thorough cheat sheet to share with your child's teacher
- Option to complete the Bootcamp as many times as you’d like for the duration of your membership
- Easy-to-digest videos -- just 10-15 minutes long

2: The Exclusive Expert Video Vault ($789 value)
Your membership also includes access to our entire Bright & Quirky Video Vault. The Video Vault houses hundreds of specialized videos for parents of bright kids with learning, social, emotional and/or behavioral challenges. The Video Vault includes:
- Access to 300+ videos from top experts like Stephen Porges, PhD, originator of the Polyvagal Theory and Safe and Sound Protocol, Ross Greene, PhD, Mona Delahooke, PhD, Stuart Shanker, PhD, Dan Siegel, PhD and many more.
- Ability to search the entire video library (i.e. enter “homework” and see all videos that cover that topic and where in the video they mention it)
- Video playlists arranged by topic and expert
- Transcripts of each video to help your brain crystalize the learning

3: Ongoing Expert Coaching ($299/mo value)
Confidently navigate the twists and turns of the journey with direct access to experts in bright and 2e children, ADHD, autism level 1/Aspergers, anxiety, learning differences, depression, and other brain-based challenges. You’ll never be left stewing and second-guessing on your own again.
Ongoing expert support includes:
- Monthly live Q&A with 2e masters like Dr. Susan Baum, Director at the 2e Center for Research and Professional Development and Dr. Dan Peters, licensed psychologist and executive director of the Summit Center
- Monthly interactive group coaching with masters and PhD level coaches like Debbie Steinberg Kuntz, LMFT, founder of Bright & Quirky
- Private members-only masterclasses and Q&A with experts like Dr. Mona Delahooke, originator of the innovative, science-based approach called Brain-Body Parenting
4: High-Touch Community Support (Priceless!)
Our member community is unparalleled in its collective wisdom and support. You will feel validated, respected, and supported as you learn alongside other thoughtful, bright parents who are in the trenches with you. Our community includes:
- Exclusive access to our members-only Facebook Group for discussion and support any time you need
- Virtual Coffee & Connection Meetings to socialize with other parents, including a monthly Dads-only Coffee & Connection
“The resources are better than any therapist.”
“I have learned so much about the paradigm shift when looking at behavior. I have no idea how I would have gotten through the challenges I faced with my kiddo otherwise. Now I know there's a tribe of kids like mine and I feel supported.”
– IdeaLab Member

“The Bright & Quirky IdeaLab is the perfect combination of advice from professionals who really understand twice exceptionality, and support from others who are sharing the 2e experience. This approach is exactly what my research has shown that parents of 2e children need, as they navigate the complex issues around helping their children to thrive.”
Dr. Melanie Hayes

Thriving is a Lifestyle, Not a Quick Fix
This isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach because all families and all bright and quirky children are different. You have the option to tailor your experience to best meet your needs—knowing the sources are vetted and specifically for 2e kids.
There is a direct correlation in our community between the amount of time a parent spends gaining specific knowledge from our experts and the amount of progress their child makes on their bright and quirky journey.
The more you are committed to learning, growing, and implementing, the more your child will flourish.
When asked if they would recommend the IdeaLab to a parent of a bright and quirky child, members’ average response was
9.7 out of 10
(10 being highly likely)
Bright & Quirky’s unique Possibility Plan framework works for families like Marla’s:

"Honestly Debbie, I would have paid whatever you charged me to be part of Bright & Quirky. I have three degrees, and I was Harvard undergrad, but I was at the point where I was like, "I need a lifeline." My 7 year old was diagnosed with ADHD, anxiety, depression, and rule outs of autism and a math disorder. He would say, “I’m just bad, Mommy, I’m just bad.” And it's like if I don't step in, this could go really badly for him, for his whole life. In the position that I was in, I was so desperate for help and information and support. Bright & Quirky gave me a toolkit and a safety net. I'm not alone, I'm not going on this journey against normal things by myself...I felt like my friends didn't get it, my in-laws didn't get it, my husband didn't get it. You feel like an island. Right? I'm just constantly inhaling information and processing it and trying to figure out like, "Okay, what's the next step? With Bright and Quirky I feel like I got a VIP pass backstage."

It’s also worked for families like Melissa's:

“Before the Possibility Plan… I just got tired of being alone and never being able to say anything to anybody else. It just felt like I finally could have a way of explaining [my son] to other people in a way that made sense. He was calm and quiet, but under the table he was just a stress ball and he masked everything. Every week he’s accelerating. His executive function seems to be getting there and he doesn't blow up on anything. He's really just in a good space. Now I would say he's the happiest he's ever been in his whole life… The end result is that our relationships have improved tremendously.”

It’s also worked for families like Darlene’s:

“What I found to be true with Bright & Quirky, all of the resources are legit. They are the best in the world. Before finding BQ, I was doing all the research on my own. I've been doing that for years, and when you have to put yourself and your child through all of the bad people that you go through, you kind of just get to the point where you feel like there's nobody out there that can help you. And if you're working and you're not a reader and you don't have time to do all that research, and that's not your thing, you'd quit. I wanted to quit. Now, I'm so excited for [my son.] We’re thriving as a family. We're able to have deep, meaningful conversations without shut down. And we're well emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually. My husband, son and I feel confident, like we're on the right track. It’s great having the support to be able to do something different than what the world says is normal.”

It’s also worked for families like Angela's:

“At the beginning, we were in survival mode. He was pretty much not functioning in school. He would spend most of his day out of the classroom crying, upset, not wanting to be there. His school district had never heard of twice exceptional before him. They didn't know what to do with him. Then I was able to use the information that I've learned to advocate for him and share information with teachers and get teachers to understand why he's having the challenges. I didn't sleep. I mean, that's been one of my biggest challenges is finding that time. But when you see your child struggling, you kind of do what you have to do. There have been a lot of three-in-the-morning emails, reading stuff and listening to things on Bright & Quirky. For someone like me that's a single parent I need to use my time wisely and be able to target the things that will be really helpful in what I need. The way the plan is structured helped. I now have a kid who is starting to enjoy school, is happy. He's starting to get engaged in things that he likes. Things are calm. There's communication.”

Why Parents Continue to Learn with Us:
"My child is so much happier. The household is so much happier. The IdeaLab has been invaluable."
IdeaLab member Tereza shares, "I became a member of the IdeaLab and suddenly all kinds of light bulb moments happened...Being a member, I got the confidence to pull my child from public school. We found another school that was a goldmine."
"The IdeaLab helped us cut to the chase. I now know what I'm talking about in IEP meetings."
IdeaLab member Robin said, "I spent maybe a dozen years trying to figure out what to do with my kid. All we heard about were the challenges. What I realized since joining the IdeaLab is 'gifted' is a big thing. I wonder how life would be if I knew all this stuff 7-8 years ago. I've learned so much and my attitude has changed."
"I feel so lucky to be a part of this amazing group. I turned 180 degrees as a parent through the last year."
Marcy, one of the founding members of the IdeaLab, says, "People get it and they're there for me. I want to give back more than I'm getting."
"This community has been a game changer for us!"
Tori, an IdeaLab member of almost a year, shared, "The monthly Q&A's and expert interviews are priceless and I loved the (quick-start) course! Having a different lens has really helped."
Ready to see what’s possible for your uniquely wired child when you finally have the right support system in your corner?

What people are saying...

Your Village of Experts is Here!

Mona Delahooke, PHD
Child Psychologist and Author of Beyond Behaviors: Using Brain Science and Compassion to Understand and Solve Children’s Behavioral Challenges

Stephen W. Porges, PhD
Distinguished University Scientist, Originator of the Polyvagal Theory and Safe and Sound Protocol. Recipient of a NIMH Research Scientist Development Award

Renee Jain, MAPP
Founder of GoZen! and Co-Author with Dr. Shefali Tsabary of SUPERPOWERED: Transform Anxiety into Courage, Confidence, and Resilience

Dan Peters, PhD
Licensed Psychologist and Executive Director of the Summit Center, Specializing in Twice Exceptionality, Anxiety, Dyslexia and Stealth Dyslexia

Kristin Neff, PhD
Self-Compassion Pioneer, Associate Professor at University of Texas at Austin and Author of Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself

Seth Perler, MEd
Executive Function and Twice Exceptional Child Coach, Originator of TEFOS: The Executive Function Online Summit and UGYG: Upgrade Your Grades Program

Julie Lythcott-Haims, JD, MFA
Former Stanford University Dean, New York Times Bestselling Author of How to Raise an Adult and TED talk with more than 5 million views.

Eli Lebowitz, PhD
Director of the Yale Child Study Center's Anxiety and Mood Disorders Program and Originator of the Scientifically Proven SPACE Program for Parents of Anxious Kids

Debbie Reber, MA
Author of Differently Wired, Creator of Tilt Parenting and the Tilt Parenting Podcast with More Than 3 Million Downloads

Michael Delman, MEd
Founder and CEO of Beyond Booksmart, the Nation's Largest Executive Function Coaching Company and Author of Your Kid’s Gonna Be Okay

Laura Markham, PHD
Clinical Psychologist, Founder of Aha Parenting, and Author of Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids: How To Stop Yelling and Start Connecting and Peaceful Parent, Happy Siblings

Stuart Shanker, DPHIL
Founder and CEO of the MEHRIT Centre, Author of Self-Reg: How to Help Your Child (And You) Break the Stress Cycle and Successfully Engage With Life

Temple Grandin, PhD
NY Times Bestselling Author of Animals in Translation and Calling All Minds, Named a Time Magazine Hero, Professor of Animal Behavior and Autism Rights Activist

Scott B. Kaufman, PhD
Humanistic Psychologist, Host of the Psychology Podcast, Author of Ungifted: Intelligence Redefined and Transcend: The New Science of Self-Actualization

Kristy Forbes, GradDipEd
Educator and Autistic Support Specialist for Neurodivergent Kids and Families, Founding Director of inTune Pathways and Neurodivergent Co.

Susan Baum, PhD
Chancellor of the Bridges Graduate School for Cognitive Diversity in Education and Co-Director of the 2e Center for Research and Professional Development at Bridges Academy

Raffael Boccamazzo, PsyD
Clinical Director of Take This, Expert in the Applied Therapeutic Use of Roleplaying Games

Thomas E. Brown, PhD
Clinical Psychologist, Former Clinical Professor at Yale School of Medicine, Author of Outside the Box: Rethinking ADD/ADHD in Children and Adults

Amy C. Laurent, PhD, OTR/L
Developmental Psychologist, Occupational Therapist, Co-Author of the SCERTS Model, Co-Founder of Autism Level Up!

Jacquelyn H. Fede, PhD
Developmental Psychologist, Assistant Research Professor at the University of Rhode Island, Co-Founder of Autism Level Up!

Janine Halloran, LMHC
Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Author of Coping Skills for Kids Workbook, Host of the Calm & Connected Podcast.

Lauren Hutchinson, LMFT
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Specializing in Gifted and 2e Kids, School Counselor at a Gifted Independent School

Colleen Kessler, MEd
Educator of Gifted and 2e Kids, Homeschooler, Founder of the Podcast Raising Lifelong Learners, Author of Raising Resilient Sons

Jonathan Mooney
Neurodiverse Speaker and Author of Normal Sucks: How to Live, Learn and Thrive Outside the Lines and The Short Bus: A Journey Beyond Normal

George Papanicolaou, DO, IFMC
Functional Medicine Doctor, on Mark Hyman's UltraWellness Team, Specializing in ADHD, PANDAS, Gut and Hormone Health

Kieran Rose
Founder of the Autistic Advocate Blog, Special Educator, Speaker, Trainer and Founder of The Autistic Cooperative

Clifford Sussman, MD
Psychiatrist and Pioneer in Treating Internet and Video Game Addiction and Screen Use Related Issues in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults.

Elaine Taylor-Klaus, PCC, CPCC
Co-Founder of Impact Parents, Parent Coach and Author of The Essential Guide to Raising Complex Kids with ADHD, Anxiety and More

Matt Zakreski, PsyD
Clinical Psychologist Specializing in Gifted, Neurodiverse and 2e Kids, Teens and Families, Founder and Lead Clinician of the Neurodiversity Collective
Here's what's waiting for you inside the Bright & Quirky IdeaLab:
- Our 7-step, science-based Possibility Plan Bootcamp with live co-working sessions
- Unlimited viewing of the expert video vault with over 300 expert talks
- Monthly Live Q&A with 2e masters like Drs. Susan Baum and Dan Peters
- Private masterclasses and Q&A with experts like Dr. Mona Delahooke
- Interactive group coaching with masters and PhD level coaches
- Weekly Coffee & Connection breakout sessions with likeminded parents
- Amazing private community of warm, intelligent parents of 2e kids from around the world

“I am really excited about this ground-breaking program. Giving struggling parents online access to this kind of expertise and support is greatly needed. I’m glad I can be a part of it!”
Dan Peters, Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist

Hi Friends,
I know what’s it’s like raising bright & quirky kids – it starts with the struggle to figure out what’s going on. How can they can be so highly capable in some areas and struggle in other areas that typical kids find easy?
At first you’re not sure where to look for answers. As a mom on this path, I read countless books, took various trainings, consulted with various professionals, tried different treatments, classroom interventions, conversations with teachers, and had many sleepless nights.
Then gradually, through trial and error, and interviewing the top experts in the field, I found an approach that works. It’s a structured process of experimentation to find what works best for the unique way your child’s brain is wired. This is the approach I use with my own kids and with my clients.
I’m going to share it with you in the IdeaLab and also make sure you have access to our entire video library of summit talks, masterclasses and Q&A's with experts, and the latest info in the field.
Over time I learned how to find the lane of thriving for my kids. We know how to adjust the knob when things aren’t working and we know what kind of supports to get in place when rough patches pop up. We also know on what things we just need to be patient and let maturity and development work their magic.
In the IdeaLab, you’ll get the village of professionals, strategies and support that I wish I had about a decade ago. If I can make the journey easier for you, that’s an excellent investment of my time.
There is no doubt in my mind that every bright and quirky child can have a beautiful life that works for the way his or her brain is wired. You just need the tools and strategies to help it unfold.
I know what it’s like to feel overwhelmed, confused and deeply worried. I can help you out of that place, along with a community of people who get it and really care. That's what our high-touch IdeaLab membership is all about. Let’s work together and run experiments for your child’s success in the IdeaLab.
Just click the button to join and I’ll see you on the inside!
Debbie Steinberg Kuntz, LMFT
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist
Founder, Bright & Quirky
Your Membership is Risk-Free with Our 14 Day Guarantee

If you’re unsatisfied with the Bright & Quirky IdeaLab for any reason during your first 14 days, let us know to receive a full refund. After 14 days, you can cancel your membership anytime.

Most parents of bright and quirky kids feel overwhelmed, frustrated, and burnt out from spending too much time on resources that don’t apply to their situation. That’s why we’ve done the heavy lifting for you to intentionally curate coaching, community, and content that is specifically designed for parents of 2e kids.
Our Video Vault houses interviews with over 300 of the top experts. Through our Possibility Plan Bootcamp co-working sessions and ongoing community support, we’ll guide you through the learning process, in 10-15 minute lessons.
There is a direct correlation between the knowledge parents accumulate and the progress their child makes. So you will get what you put into it. We promise that everything inside the IdeaLab is trustworthy and applicable to 2e kids.

The cost of the IdeaLab is less than 2 therapy appointments to join. Twice exceptionality is a VERY niche-y topic that the majority of counselors and teachers are not trained in. We often hear that families make more progress in the IdeaLab than they have meeting with psychologists, counselors, doctors and teachers over months and years. The IdeaLab WORKS to help families like yours craft a good-fit life to help their kids soar with their strengths and support their struggles.

When you join, you’ll receive a welcome email with all the details to access the IdeaLab online portal.
Inside the portal, you’ll find videos from Debbie walking you through the onboarding process so you can set yourself up for success. She’ll give you all the information on how to use the IdeaLab, make the most of your time with us, and how to get started inside the Possibility Plan Bootcamp. We can’t wait to see you there!

If you’re unsatisfied with your membership within 14 days of enrollment, let us know to receive a full refund of your joining fee. After your first 14 days in the IdeaLab, you can cancel your ongoing membership anytime.
“The IdeaLab is an amazing, brilliant, and supportive community. It’s a well-structured organization with integrity, knowledgeable, trustworthy experts and coaches. The combination was very effective in getting my family out of crises.”
– IdeaLab member
Soar with your child’s strengths and support the difficulties
Our approach is evidence-based, research-backed, and we truly understand what it’s like to be a parent of a bright and quirky kid. Together, we can shift into a new paradigm that allows bright and quirky children to be understood, celebrated, and supported as they are. Ready to see what’s possible for your child when you finally have the right support system in your corner? Join us today inside the IdeaLab.
The doors to the IdeaLab are currently closed as we focus on our current members. If you would like to know when we open again, enter your information below!