Top 10 Knowledge Nuggets of 2024

As we celebrate an incredible year of progress –big, small (and everything in between), we invite you to take a moment to celebrate your bright and quirky 2024 year. 🎉

Our Weekly Expert Tips are getting a boost this week—a 10x boost, to be exact. 🙌 We’re taking our Top 10 viewed weekly expert tips and delivering them here so you have a go-to list. Save this email into your ‘self-scientist toolkit’ of raising a ‘twice exceptional kid.’

  1. Your Child Would Do Well if They Could Do Well, with Ross Greene
  2. Misbehavior vs. Stress Behavior, with Stuart Shanker
  3. Approach the school year with strength vs deficit spotting, with Scott Barry Kaufman
  4. Screen Activities that Lead to Well-Being, with Mona Delahooke
  5. When Kids Access [the P-Word] Online, with Michael Rich 
  6. Quick Tips for Social Anxiety, with Sharon Saline
  7. When High IQ Kids Struggle with Daily Tasks, with Ned Hallowell
  8. 5 Quick School Hacks from Sarah Ward
  9. How to Parent a Video Gamer, with Alok Kanojia
  10. Five Elements of a Good-Fit School, with Susan Baum

And how about a BONUS too! Debunking the Myth that Parents Cause Childhood Anxiety Disorders, with Eli Lebowitz

Cheers to 1% (and greater) wins in 2024 and a continued journey toward thriving together in 2025!

Want to learn more valuable knowledge nuggets from the Bright & Quirky dream team of experts? Join us in the Bright & Quirky IdeaLab.