Your Child Would Do Well if They Could Do Well

It can feel like kids with behavioral challenges are giving you a hard time on purpose. This can lead to frayed relationships, shame and blame. But the truth is, if they could do well, they would do well. According to Ross Greene PhD, when we focus on the cause of the behavior, instead of the behavior itself, we can find the problems and lagging skills that are getting in the way. This 3 minute video is pure gold and encapsulates Dr. Greene’s approach in a nutshell.

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The Advantages of Neurodiversity, with Devon MacEachron

There may be more advantages to having a neurodiverse brain than we think, especially in our rapidly changing world. Listen as Dr. Devon MacEachron explains how creative, non-sequential, out-of-the-box thinkers may be perfectly wired for the work of the future.

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Help Your Child Go from Worrier to Warrior, with Dan Peters, PhD

Does it sometimes feel like there’s a worry monster taking root in your child’s brain, fueled by all the uncertainty these days? Listen as Dr. Dan Peters shares an approach to tame the worry monster so your child can ease their mind and go from worrier to warrior!   Now we’d love to hear from…

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How to Talk to Demand-Avoidant Kids, with Kristy Forbes

Is your child or teen highly sensitive, avoidant, or resistant to the everyday demands of home or school? Often it shows up as tantrums or defiance, but under the surface it may have more to do with a hypersensitive threat detection system in the brain. Listen as autistic mother, educator, and advocate Kristy Forbes describes…

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Minimizing Meltdowns, with Maria Kennedy

Does your child struggle with disruptive behavior in class?  As a teacher of 2e students at Bridges Academy, Maria Kennedy, MEd says the first question to ask is, “Why?” There is always a cause for disruptive behavior. When you learn what that cause is, you and your child can develop a strategy to work through…

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A Powerful Approach to Negative Behaviors, with Marc Brackett

When kids get activated and use disrespectful language or aggressive behavior, traditional parenting tells us to discipline the child. But the traditional approach misses several important elements. Listen as Marc Brackett, PhD, author of Permission to Feel: Unlocking the Power of Emotions to Help Our Kids, Ourselves and Society Thrive tells us why it’s crucial to…

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When to push, scaffold or hang back – parenting kids with executive function challenges

Bright and quirky kids develop asynchronously. They have gifts and advanced skills that shine through, while also struggling with executive function and other skills. As parents, it’s easy to get stressed out about where we feel our child should be. Debbie Reber, author of Differently Wired, shares her thoughts on how to accept the timeline our bright and quirky kids need, and how to support their journey with grace and confidence.

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Helping a Child Go From Avoidance To Action, with Dr. Sharon Saline

Do you get exhausted trying to get your child started on a task, especially non-preferred ones? Learn why bright and quirky kids often struggle to get started and what you can do to empower and motivate them into action.   To learn more about Dr. Saline’s work, visit Now we’d love to hear from…

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Executive Function Tips, with Seth Perler

Do you ever wonder where to put your precious parenting energy to get the biggest wins with your bright and quirky child? Listen to the wisdom of Seth Perler as he describes some simple shifts, for better executive function, you can start making today.

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